But not today

(In Amsterdam to hear Leonard Cohen 7 years ago.)

I have not posted a new essay in a few days. January is always a month loaded with overload! Too many sweets eaten, too much cold weather, etc. What I am low on is will power, truth be known. Yesterday I made a skillet of walnuts and maple syrup. Tasty and quick. (I didn’t eat them all. I put them in a tin.) Tonight I will make some sort of soup.

Rob is picking up a prescription for me for my tremor. If it doesn’t work, there are others to try. I first noticed it in my hands. A week or so later, my shoulders felt spastic. I am essentially healthy except for this neuropathy situation. Bernie Siegel’s advice I have shared before. When I wrote him, he said to honor my limits. We don’t usually do that.

I kept in touch with Bernie during the years of being a caregiver for Bob. But like all things, we lost touch. It was when I got neuropathy that I emailed him for advice. I think he said a few more things but honoring my limits is the one that stuck with me.

If you guys want the blog to continue,* find some way to support it occasionally. Some think that spiritual writing should be free and that is ridiculous. I’ve spent decades writing and it has been quite a ride. But all things come to an end in time.

Since we all know each other, you know that I don’t spend much time ‘splaining things. There are books for beginners out there. My niche is personal essays underpinned by truth.

The truth here in Georgia, where I live, is that the Democrats won two Senate seats! Everyone hopes that Trump will not do anything dangerous before Jan. 20. Our four-year marriage with him has ended in a decisive divorce! The bad part is that there are thousands of his children still cooking up trouble in various ways. When I see them en masse, I see tee-shirted people wrapped in American flags and generally looking like they never missed a meal. I have no room to talk, though. It would do me good to miss a meal or two. But not today….


One Comment

  1. Love this pic of you two in Amsterdam.
    I will send a small donation every now and then as I can because your writings are an island of calm in a sea of chaos for me. My own health, a pandemic, and a mentally ill president creating carnage in his (thank God) last days of power, have completely left me exhausted.
    Hope your new meds help your tremors Vicki.
    Take care lady,



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