Thinning the Herd

“Spiritual Student! Rejoice as the outer building tumbles down, for the inner Temple is to be revealed. The mind of the individual seeking help is the Christ-mind –awaiting recognition. The man who has his being “in Christ” finds his capacities and abilities in Soul –not in the brain, body, or muscle.”
― Joel S. Goldsmith, The Infinite Way

Thinning the Herd

Real spirituality thins the herd and not in the way that the coronavirus does. It thins the herd in a meaningful way.

People that studied with Vernon Howard had to pass through a stringent test. They had to be interested in his message, which was directly contrary to society.

The last message he delivered to me personally came to me after he died. I had a dream about walking with him. He said, “Don’t be so accommodating. Act a little tough.” It is only now occurring to me that he meant I should not accommodate negative “I’s” in myself.

Right now riots are going on in this country. Peaceful protests are happening, too. Either one is wrong for spiritual students to get involved in. We are not to be concerned about things of this world. When I say this, the inner herd is thinned. I fall into a beautiful silence.

Go back and read The New Testament with new eyes. It is for you. Jesus did not protest his crucifixion; he allowed it to happen to prove that he had something higher than a protesting nature.

We have something higher in us that speaks strength without words. It is our guide and protection against every ill in this world. “Be not afraid. I am with you always.”

Vicki Woodyard

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