Words are Wrappers for Meanings

Words are wrappers for meanings. Beyond words we discover the true meaning of our personal lives. How can I say this with assurance? Because no matter how brilliant or stupid our words are, the meanings can be trusted.

Sometimes words are confusing, perhaps on purpose. This is often true in the case of “boiler plate” legal statements. If words are downright lies, we quickly get confused about meanings. It is here that we turn to our emotions for verification. Ask yourself “How do these words make me feel?” And so you are one step closer to home.

Ultimately, all we have are ourselves and others are mere mirrors. Society does not teach this; only true teachings do. Since childhood I have been a loner in my heart and that hasn’t changed. I know the truth that I am living and only self-inquiry reveals it.

My mind has never met my heart! To paraphrase an old saying, “Mind is mind and heart is heart and never the twain shall meet.” If you watch yourself as you go through your day, you will notice that the mind is running the show. That is how children are indoctrinated. You wanted that toy but you were told to share and so you did, but your heart felt the loss.

By the time you can read and write, teachers are telling you how wonderful your government is. They tell you that you can be anything when you grow up and that policemen are your friends.

It is up to you to catch your mind out. I will give you an example from my own life. I do not like to socialize but at times when I must, the mind urges me to override my feelings and do it anyway. It tells me if I say no, I will be disliked. The real fear is that if I followed my heart, I would have to pay the price. Jesus did! And so the lie continues because we are not as advanced as he was.

Nevertheless, you are the Pearl of Great Price and you deserve better than you give yourself. So this Friday, play with your day. Watch how it unfolds when you choose to put yourself first in the right way. I have always liked Fridays, for some reason. It is my plant-watering day and the beginning of the weekend. We often have pizza and then I watch TV until time for bed. I am easier on myself on Fridays.

We deserve to be well-treated by ourselves. Have some chocolate. Sit and do nothing. Take a walk. Breathe consciously. Remember that you are the single most important person in the universe. That is a very high truth. “If your eye is single, your whole body will be full of light.”

Vicki Woodyard


  1. We do not come a smidgen close to the spiritual advancement of Jesus, but we want to follow Him so we stumble, fall and do our best to “get up.” Being easier on ourselves and taking delight in the simple joys gives us time to collect needed energy. Vicki, we take great delight in your wrappers for meanings. Have an extra chocolate for me!


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