What’s On My Mind March 31, 2020

Nothing is on my mind besides the corona virus. I feel a sense of malaise and ennui after being socially isolated for the last few weeks. I watch YouTube clips of the latest news on the medical front. In between I watch entertaining YouTube clips. At night I watch the 7:00 news and anything else I can find on TV.

My son is doing the weekly grocery shopping. I make a list and he buys what is on it, if available. He adds some other things that can be used in meal preparation. We share the cooking.

I am too restless to read or get anything done. That is how it is for everyone right now.

I find Andrew Cuomo to be the most informative and consoling voice for me, hands down. Trump is a buffoon in full clown makeup masquerading as a man of wisdom and power. This morning when he invited the “My Pillow” man up to the podium, I stopped watching.

What will happen after the virus has shut down economies all over the world remains to be seen. Our elders who survived The Great Depression are still hoarders as a result of the deprivation of food and money. This will be the case again for many people.

I have already read that crime is down but domestic violence reports are rising. You can’t put people together with no reprieve and not have it occur. Sad but true. This is no one’s fault; it is just a report on human nature.

I have been on the spiritual path for decades and I am not surprised at anything I read or hear about people. My job is an inner one. I have to watch my thoughts and emotions. I have to do what I do best, which is write. I wondered what I would say in this post and somehow the words came to me. I rely on God, not government. “The government is on His Shoulders.” Amen.

Vicki Woodyard

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