Your Very Being Is a Prayer

Your very being is a prayer.

Let no one argue with you about this.

Prayer is not words but wholeness.

Stand in the light of being.

Shine being effortlessly.

Look within and you will see infinity.

Look without and you will see the world.

Your prayer is how you are, not about where you are.

Let the light illuminate the great mystery.

Let the darkness guide you back home to your heart.

Seek no outside help from this point on.

Seek no inward help but being.

God alone is who you are.

Never doubt your being.

Always see clearly that being is enough.

Being is a billion stars illuminating the darkness.

Being begins within.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Hi Vicki,

    ‘Your prayer is how you are, not about where you are.’

    I like that very much, thank you. Brings a sense of focus within the body and simultaneously, present as an expanded living prayer. 🙂


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