My heart is so heavy, and I know that yours is, too. The news gets worse every day and the President of our country is simply failing at his job. Rob went to the grocery yesterday and many of the shelves were bare.
I have watched TV hosts get creative at home and have enjoyed them. I have spent time watching YouTube clips about the corona virus. Sigh.
What do you do when there is nothing you can do? I, who love to sit in silence, find the silence oppressive. I have books I could reread and I will, but none offer any consolation in this sad time of the world.
I have not left the house in about two weeks. The maids have not come to clean and I need a haircut badly. I got all of my prescriptions refilled and cancelled a number of doctor appointments.
Life as we know it is gone. What will rise from the ashes is unclear.
I join you in inner work, for that must go on if you are serious about staying in touch with your higher Self..
Sit with me in your naked helplessness. It must be enough for now.
I have been through two deaths in my immediate family and have grieved deeply. This grief we are going through now feels different. It feels like a rudderless ship with an iceberg looming ahead.
Vicki Woodyard
Dear Vicki,
Yes, I am sitting with you and believe your readers are all here as well. In my heart, I repeat the Unity prayer of
protection for all in the One and One in the all. Love and gratitude, Ruth
Hi Ruth,
Yes, it is imperative that we sit and focus on the One Within that manifests Without.
After reading your latest post ‘Iceberg’, I spent some time sitting in silence, and these words appeared—
As the cold-hearted avalanche of destruction continues to desolate the social landscape, and the melancholy excited by it, select a place of rest, and sit in quietness, consequently; the conception of something beautiful; the healing effect of the heart.
Vicki, thank you for continuing to write your blog.💕
At times we will let this take us under, but once we realize and feel our fear and depression as such, they will disappear. Sitting in silence leads us back home.
If we are mandated to remain at home, let it be the Home of the Heart.
Thank you, Vicki. As tragic as this crisis is and as terrible as it is to feel the suffering around us, this is the time for humanity to find peace within ourselves, our home, our families and to sink into silence. For those of us who are introverts I am actually enjoying this quiet time, but feeling the pain of those who are not as fortunate, who have small children to care for, who live paycheck to paycheck. We will get through this and hopefully learn valuable lessons. And the earth is healing showing us the destructive impact we have inflicted on our beautiful planet.
Hi Tib,
I know you are not living any differently than you did before! Well, except for grocery shopping….