I woke up this morning after having had a bad dream. As I lay there quietly, I let statements come to mind….
“Lo, I am with you always.”
“Come unto me, all that are weary and heavy-laden and I shall give thee rest.”
“This is a spiritual universe.” ~Joel Goldsmith
How do we move through this crisis except moment by moment! Our inner work does not change, for it is founded on a rock. We are told to watch ourselves behaving crazily. We can’t be like a chicken with its head cut off and expect to get through this peacefully.
Slow down, you move too fast! (Feelin’ Groovy)
And so we live another crazy day watching it go by. The watcher is safe and at peace!
Thank you Vicki. Do the work….one day at a time moving slowly.
I do everything too fast except sit in silence, so I do that as often as I can all day long.
Another heart-felt “thank you!” May we all sit in silence as often as we can each day. You thought/remembered some of the most comforting passages and shared them. Bless you, dear Vicki.
You got home just under the wire! Now we are all sitting together in silence; at least I hope so. If we practice what we are given, we will feel more peaceful, for sure!