The Calm Before the Storm
Here in the U.S. we are living in the calm before the storm. I suggest that we turn to each other for loving support, in silent communication with every breath we take.
My son and I have a large home in which to self-isolate, if necessary, and we are both quiet by nature. He and I will understand the need for these precautions.
I felt a warm glow throughout my body as I woke up this morning. I lay in bed feeling it circulate in a very powerful way (and no, it was not a fever!)
I pass this glow onto you as I feel it is a gift of grace.
No one knows what the future holds and perhaps the blessings will unfold as we learn the lessons brought on by the virus.
We can hold virtual hands and I suggest that we do so.
All my love for each of you,
Thank you for that and passing on warm and loving thoughts back to you.
We can turn this into sacred space if we are awake enough!
I appreciate your suggestion; and I am doing so.