Discovering our Genius

“Life is not about discovering our talents; it is about pushing our talents to the limit and discovering our genius.” ~Robert Brault

I am struck by this quote, for it begs me to write something beyond my talent as a writer. How is this done? What do I write about? Who am I writing for?

I am writing for people steeped in simplicity because they outgrew complexity.

I do it by turning my full attention to the blank page so I can fill it up with something meaningful.

I write about what is just now coming into my field of attention. Of course it is the corona virus. It is hovering about the edges of our consciousness, shoving us into isolation from the complexities of going to work, shopping, traveling, etc.

Other things have shoved me into isolation besides that. Cancer, grief, introversion, being a writer…all these move me into a single space inside of myself.

What I find there is who I am in the moment. And just now I am fine. I have certainly been worse.

What do I need in this time of uncertainty? Apparently I need more paper towels and hand wipes. But I also need to feel that others are in the same boat and that they, too, are uncertain of what will happen next. It’s rather like a play with no one in attendance.

My genius just may lie in not knowing what I will say when given the space to say it. My space is this Mac keyboard that feels like home to me. I know you are reading this as I am writing it and that love is striking all the keys.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Vicki, it’s strange, on first reading one of your blog posts, they appear simple, and upon a second reading as though other layers of meaning,-gaining as though in complexity, and on further reading, a new understanding, a return to simplicity. Amazing!

    ‘I am writing for people steeped in simplicity because they outgrew complexity.’

    This reminds me of those moments when the chatterbox-mind takes a brief break from making everything unnecessarily complicated, and suddenly, the world of human affairs is viewed as beautiful in its underlying simplicity, and I can’t deny the feeling of love arising for it.

    Thank you,🙂


    1. I have been doing this kind of writing for so long, Lewis, but I am always delighted when the punchline of the essay reveals itself to ME.
      Then I sit back and grin. And the punchline is often serious; even so, I am surprised at what my deeper psyche knows that I do.

      Thanks for your encouraging input!


    2. It helps to have astute readers like you and Lewis! My mother used to say I had a large curiosity bump on my head, meaning I was always asking “why.” And my why goes like this, “Why can’t they just say what they mean?” And so my essays tend to be brief rather than meandering. It is interesting that I do everything fast, as I have said before. I cook fast. I eat fast. I read and write fast. All so that I can “sit quietly by.” After I posted this, I wanted to add an “Aha.” The essays hopefully end with the reader just sitting quietly by, rather than wanting to discuss it to death. I cannot do discussions of what is real. I hear people do it but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. On TV things are discussed to death; topics are run into the ground and vital energy is lost forever!


  2. It is very gratifying that you did not hold back from making any mention of the corona virus. If it is only alluded to — it becomes the large, large white, menacing elephant. Your simple acknowledgment is all that is needed. I agree with Lewis that reading your blogs more than once truly reveals its many layers, meanings and a “return to simplicity” as he appropriately stated.


    1. It helps to have astute readers like you and Lewis! My mother used to say I had a large curiosity bump on my head, meaning I was always asking “why.” And my why goes like this, “Why can’t they just say what they mean?” And so my essays tend to be brief rather than meandering. It is interesting that I do everything fast, as I have said before. I cook fast. I eat fast. I read and write fast. All so that I can “sit quietly by.” After I posted this, I wanted to add an “Aha.” The essays hopefully end with the reader just sitting quietly by, rather than wanting to discuss it to death. I cannot do discussions of what is real. I hear people do it but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. On TV things are discussed to death; topics are run into the ground and vital energy is lost forever!


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