Pre-Dawn Musings

It is pre-dawn this February 1 of 2020. I have made it through the month of January, slogging through each day as if I were an early settler knee-deep in snow and on my way to the outhouse.

No, I have indoor plumbing and every kind of modern convenience, but time is just the same. It slows down to a creep during January, which I am prone to call “Janu-ugly..” But now it is February and it is almost Groundhog Day and people are realizing it is time to quit calling on the lowly groundhog to shill for what is now considered just a day for men to wear ridiculous hats that make them look like old-fashioned people in favor of animal cruelty. The groundhog is woke but the people ain’t. What an overly-long sentence that was!

The impeachment thing is mostly over now, another reason to dislike January. Trump should have been drummed out of office by now, but never underestimate the power of stupid people. Life goes on.

I have no big plans to celebrate February the first. I am going to the mall to help get me over cabin fever. And tomorrow is Superbowl Sunday. All this means to me is that I will make some turkey chili and probably eat a bag of chips. I have little willpower when it comes to snack foods.

I said I would write something beautiful today and here I am being my usual silly self. Perhaps that is the most beautiful thing about this essay. I can still take up space online riffing on any subject that I like. Humor is next to Godliness in my book. And freedom to laugh in the face of people like Donald J. Trump is a beautiful thing. There was a time when people could get arrested for things like that. Maybe not in this country, but in other ones that had fallen to the Fuhrer. Freedom is the most beautiful word I can write. Freedom rings!

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