Those Old January Blues

Every January I get the feeling of being stalled out. My body pales and my mood oozes despair. I walk through the house in a daze. Not to worry, this will lift, but in its own sweet time. I cannot hurry through this.

I eat dates, spitting the pits into the trash. I drink coffee mindlessly, feeling my very fingers as though they were someone else’s attached to my hands. I write these words with those fingers. Fumble fingers….

I tend to depression and seldom know elation. What sees me through life is my ardent interest in the Path of Awakening. I do not have to lie to this path and say I feel great. No, I can just feel as I feel, not trying to change it.

The older I get, the less I hassle myself. Why bother? I am blessed by angels and I walk in the right direction. This feeling of “blah, humbug” will gradually wear off. In the meantime, I do the bare minimum and then sit back in the Void. “Rest in the Void. The Void takes care of its own.” I love that quote.

I read with interest the story of Meghan and Harry. I felt they should break away, but now I see how endlessly complicated their lives will be, no matter what they do or don’t do. Royalty is a lie. And lies never benefit anyone.

It worked for Queen Elizabeth but not for anyone else. She is pure gold and nothing can tarnish her. But the others, well, they just have to tie a knot and hang on or walk away. And walking away is a much harder choice.

Karma is karma; it doesn’t know royalty. Just as Heaven does not know kings or princesses. It is only a play. As someone said, “Relax and enjoy the show.”

Vicki Woodyard

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