

I have long loved Elsa Bailey. I found her by visiting one of her web pages where you can click on a flower and get a message meant just for you. I had no idea we would become friends on a very deep level.

She wrote the Foreword to two of my books, “Life With A Hole In It” and “Only God Remains.”

She was with me as I wrote the tough stuff about losing a child. She championed me in countless ways.

Now we are older, if that is possible, and have similar ailments. Yesterday I made vegetarian chili. Rob disappeared from the kitchen after choosing not to eat it. I ate one serving and put the rest down the disposal.

Today Elsa gifts me with another gem of hers. I tried to copy it but Facebook wouldn’t let me, so I shall settle for paraphrasing her. “God smiles when I eat non-vegetarian foods.” And then I smiled, too.

I smiled as I dumped the chili down the disposal. I see that God wants me to be happy and moderation is my path. I am extremist about nothing.

However, God smiles when I do my thing, which is writing essays and making little recordings. And I love it when He smiles. And when you smile, too.

Do what makes you happy. This is a cruel world and we deserve all of the kindness that we can get. I love that we get forgiveness and do-overs as often as we need them.

God bless you, Elsa Bailey, a facilitator for all things good.

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