The world needs sleeping people. As if that were not enough, it is indeed cruel to one and all.
Here is a strange phenomenon that you must notice in yourself. At home you may be conscious but when you enter a store of any kind, you fall asleep and remain asleep until you get home.
There is no connection between consciousness and sleep. It is one or the other.
That is why Vernon Howard talked to us about how to wake up. It cannot be done in one fell swoop. Drop the dreaded word “woke” from your vocabulary.
I have been working on myself for decades and I still go to sleep off and on all day. Spiritual students are all alike in this.
Forget church. Everyone is asleep there. Vernon said bars and churches were equally bad if you wanted to wake up.
Jesus drew the line between truth and the world. He only had a handful of followers and he would not have been interested in starting churches. The disciples did that.
When I visited Vernon’s school I came awake a little bit and as I studied people on the plane trip home, I saw their state of sleep.
You don’t have to know a lot of truth at a time. Take a sentence and relax in front of it as Vernon suggested. Perhaps “My kingdom is not of this world.” And you will try to remember it, but sleep is very strong and soon you will forget.
Keep up your inner work. That is where true salvation lies.
Vicki Woodyard
Hi Vicki,
Sometimes, in those wonderful and unexpected moments— We live and experience from an entirely different place (“My kingdom is not of this world.”) when joyfully surrendered to that power within.
Thank you Vicki, this is really helpful. One sentence at a time. I can do that.