Where do we take our stand? At this time of year, when energy is at its lowest ebb, I find myself sleeping longer than usual. My physical pool of energy takes the hardest hit and next comes my emotional energy.
Mental energy is a bit quicker but even it is off-center. I had a dream last night where a stranger took a glance at me and said something like, “She is brilliant at seeing quickly.” And I thought about that when I woke up.
He spoke true, in that that is my strong suit. I know things at a glance and then I generally want no more of it. And that “it” includes people.
I do everything quickly; it is just in my DNA, I guess. I try to slow down but I work best in a rapid mode. That is how I am writing this essay. I am telegraphing truth to you. And it is what it is.
The teaching I stuck with the longest is The Work of Gurdjieff, taught in a simpler way by Vernon Howard. Vernon had no use for society and neither do I. When I was younger, I wanted to be a part of it while at the same time knowing it was no use.
Anything you have to try and do is useless to the soul. The soul is a knowing substance, as the Sufis say. It is the highest and therefore cannot be known by the lowest. It can only be known by being it.
And so being is the most important thing. I continue to know things quickly and in that I find my true peace and my true calling.
I must stand for nothing that does not reinforce my highest knowledge. So truth is a lonely land, but out of truth goodness emerges. It may be unrecognized, but it is vital to mankind nevertheless. Selah.
Vicki Woodyard