The New Order for Me
Things I can’t do anymore. Walk very far. Live without medication. Do things that cause me stress. I must say NO to all kinds of things and strangely enough, my inner work enables me to say no easily. My job is to take care of myself because no one else will.
Mentally, I don’t engage in arguments or long discussions about non-duality. That is a bad word for me. And talking about it just makes it worse.
My path has been to study my own negativity and what causes it. Once I learned to say no to others, it became a yes for me.
Privacy and silence are lifesavers if you know how to enjoy them. My home is a haven.
If this sounds negative to you, it isn’t. It is just how it is with me these days.
What I love remains with me AS me. The silence, for starters. It erases the rickety old legs of my ego trying to get up the worldly ladder.
Now I am much more content to take each day as it comes. Nights are when I have pain, so I make sure to rest during the day.
Life is not always easy and results are often hard to come by, but spiritual law promises relief and release from this world.
I no longer try to fix things that are broken. That is not up to me. If they are broken, I use Leonard Cohen’s hallelujah as a panacea.
I don’t know why I wrote this, but here it is. My testimony of Dec. 20, 2019
Vicki Woodyard
Thank you for this. Beautiful.
Merry Christmas!