I think it was Ramana Maharshi that said, “Ripeness is everything.” I like to think that as I age, I ripen into a juicier wisdom. Yesterday at lunch Tallulah gave me a card with a tree on it. I will add the image to this post. I remembered when a psychic wrote this to me:
“I see a tree now, and its branches grow naturally, always reaching up and out for the light. This is your path—to not shoot straight this way or that way, like an arrow, but to just keep reaching for the light, moment by moment, reaching out and reaching up, and in this way, blossoming beautifully.”
That was written about fifteen years ago and I was a different person then. I had been studying truth under Vernon Howard for many years. Although I had gained wisdom, something was still missing in me. I still fussed and lost energy over things that should not have bothered me. Of course, on occasion, I still do.
Tallulah knew that I had worked hard to get ripe enough to do the interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump. As we ate our Christmas lunch, I told her how grateful I was to have the experience. After we ate lunch, she handed me the envelope with the card in it and the tiny Buddhist ornament. We enjoy our time together so much. As she said, “It is good to have a friend that requires nothing of you.”
So we are both coming full-circle on this inner journey. She used to facilitate dream groups in cancer communities. Now she is giving her time to helping special needs people while still leading a dream group or two.
I am simply at home doing my thing. I have learned much from Theo. When asked, he said he was my teacher, but he would not have volunteered it. That is because I am not dependent on him. His being has had such an impact on me that even though he says to call him any time, I don’t. I value his privacy too much. He is very active in leading tour groups in Peru and when he is in the U.S., he visits more than one place. I am just grateful that our paths crossed at a time when I was ready to give up a lot of grief.
Part of the card said this: “Each year you grow into your Wise-Woman Self deeper and deeper.” And no one can force themselves to ripen. What they can do is want very badly to understand that although they may feel alone, they are always connected to the Source of it all.
And I thank you all for being here for me.