So, Dear Readers….

The weather has been balmy here in Atlanta. I went to the grocery mid-morning and it was already crowded with holiday shoppers. After lunch I got a call saying that I had won the bid on a green pottery bowl at The Mable House. Rob and I drove out to pick it up. There was a little Christmas show in progress out front and he listened to it while I looked around a bit more. Got two little peanut shell decorations for our tiny tree on the kitchen counter. Also got a pretty package of white chocolate.

The drive out to The Mable House was lovely. It is in a location that still has a rural feel. Rob rides his bike out that way often. We are having shrimp for supper tonight. Yum!

The new dishwasher came mid-week and I have been dismayed that the door is too hard for me to open and close. It was “my bad,” as they say. For some reason, I found that it stirred up a lot of negative energy in me. I guess because I put things in it all day long. Once negative energy has arrived, it is best to leave it alone. By afternoon it had evaporated but it will take me a while to realize the dishwasher is here to stay.

I have appreciated all of your nice comments. Apparently I don’t get notified of them all! So just let me say I thank you for each reply. WordPress is something I know little about. An online friend helps me when I run into trouble with it.

I have ordered a lot of supplements for my neuropathy. I am sticking to the rule of not doing things or going places where I have to walk a lot. Those days are over. Most of the time the medication I am on relieves the nightly pain. I have exercises that I do in hopes that they will keep me in shape. I have always been a walker, but I can only walk a block or two now.

I sold a few books after being on Buddha at the Gas Pump and I am grateful for that. Thank you! Small writers like me are thrilled when people are led to their books. I love each one I have written; that is the truth. They were written because I have a passion that keeps me going. It is wonderful to share it.



  1. Hi Vicki,

    Strange how life events can act as catalysts almost ‘forcing’ us to be more conscious of our presence of being, otherwise we continue behaving in ways that are nearly always detrimental to every aspect of our day-to-day life experience.

    When faced with particularly trying situations, I often find it difficult to step back a step, and simply be aware of how I am responding, gradually, though, there does appear to be more noticing arising. 💕


  2. So happy you had a nice, relaxing day, Vicki, (except for the dishwasher!). The ceramic bowl is really beautiful. Hope you feel better and can rest better at night with the medication. Love you bunches.


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