The Silver Bullet of “I am”

The Silver Bullet of “I am”

When you first become involved in spiritual teachings, you are not ready to come into the full power of “I am.” But God said it, Jesus said it, all mystics proclaim it.

Sit with your miseries (and you are full of them) and say “I am.” In this way you are removing the miseries for a moment.

After a million moments, the I am will have grown stronger. It will have become your friend, your mantra, your medicine for what ails you.

For you are not your descriptions of yourself, you are The Self with capital letters. You can quit trying to make yourself slimmer, wiser, richer, happier, etc. That is an impossible task with results that never last.

When you say “I am,” you are invoking a solemn vow to yourself you have long forgotten. Your kingdom of heaven is within and it is the “I am” awareness.

No one will be happy that you are doing this, so keep it to yourself. If you try to proselytize this, you will see that it just arouses resentment.

Just make little breaks in your day to become who you truly are, “I am.”

“I am” is an Open Sesame to the chambers of your heart. Go there now.

Vicki Woodyard


    1. I hope in my writing to always keep it simple yet strong. No compromise, no intellectual discussions, just letting myself express the truth of the moment.


  1. I was taught for years by a Zen teacher who was strict about no “I”, just AM, just being. Following a radical sort of experience, I reported to him, and told him yes it was AM and just being but it was also the least and yet greatest, vastest “I”, and no arguments were possible there. Today, I value simplicity more. Once there is that inner, felt sense of I AM, more will automatically follow, so why ever not make it as simple a lesson as possible, especially when it works for those willing to engage !!! It was lovely to read this lesson and to feel it’s direct strength. Truth is not complex.


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