A New Approach to My Work

I am taking a different approach to my work, dear readers. It has happened due to that Mega-seller of Everything’s indifference to its publishers these days. They are saying that my books are not available for one to three months! My publisher and I have sent a barrage of emails to them saying that is incorrect. They insist the mistake is on our part and not theirs. Truly they are a force of evil for us. SO that is why I am encouraging all of you to get my ebooks directly from me on this site. I am asking ten dollars, which I think is a fair price.

I am a real person, not a company intent on big revenue. I am sitting here before daybreak working on adding descriptions of the books. I not only write, I sometimes record and I always, always, deliver fresh copy rather than a parroted message about awakening.

The dark night of the soul is a real thing for people. It has to be endured. So something in me decided to keep a record of mine. It went on for decades. It went on until finally a bit of light has broken through. I was a hard nut to crack; I’ll give you that. And sometimes I feel the darkness still lurking in the next room. But that’s okay.

Life is a journey and it’s mostly of the Greyhound Bus variety. People jostling you for space, thunderstorms drenching you, your spam folder overflowing, etc. But sometimes it seems worthwhile. When I get a note from someone thanking me for what I do, that is more than enough for me to keep slogging through the mud.

So if you want one of my ebooks, there is a page where they all are. Pick one and I will send it to you. It is a minor detail but after I get your PayPal donation, I will email and ask which book you want. And then in a flash, it is yours. (Unless I stepped out for a bit.) But usually I am here. And thank you for letting me do this my way.



  1. I am so glad you have physical care available. So sorry you are going through physical pain… the worst thing in my opinion. I have been messaging you and commenting on you FB page and now I have this blog. Time is irrelevant to this Being….You seem to be living the closest to my different way of living I have found so far. So I just feel like writing, ’cause I love to write…especially about spirit. So much I’d like to say. I am sipping chai and eating chocolate. I also have a Mac but don’t know how to make a blog or web page to put my articles and writings on…..yet. I work on my book in my spare “time.” I only want to give someone my book so I don’t have to repeat my story of life to people… this life is so strange and complicated with several themes. I also would like to start a LOVE group with the book “The five languages of Love” All there is, is LOVE. I am 30 to 50 years ahead of my time which complicates things somewhat. In two days I will begin the 8th decade of life and I long to share wisdom and experiences with others because all I long for is to help others realize they ALREADY are themselves, just like all other life is just themselves. The difference is, the other life forms are BEING themselves, so if others watch plants and animals intently, without mind around, they may get the idea of how to love and live their natural selves in the present like the rest of life does, without effort. I raised 3 daughters, as a single Mom, but they live far away and don’t visit or call, just emails with my oldest. I have a very high quality of life with a below poverty income and I love everyone’s soul or spirit, ’cause it is just like the spirit in this body. Woooops, I already wrote way more than you asked for…..I always do.


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