In the wee small hours of the morning….

I woke up around two a.m. with nerve pain all over my body. I tossed around in the bed until I got up and took something for it. Made some tea and toast and realized that my new normal isn’t so normal!

During the day, the neuropathy fades into the background. But it strikes at night and wakes me up. I can’t describe the pain because it is unlike any other pain I have had. It is quick and sharp and is now felt in my fingers.

My toes are numb and it is spreading to the balls of my feet. So when I walk my feet feel different than they used to. I have to limit my daily walks to shorter distances because of it.

The good news is that the meds I am taking help with the pain. The bad news is that it is very easy to gain weight on it. I have put on a few pounds, so far only in my stomach. I am advised that people with neuropathy should avoid any food that tastes good. Yeah, I know.

I cannot imagine a diet devoid of chocolate. I have found a coffee substitute I like. It is called Inka. I have tried sugarless chocolate but it is rather “bleh” to me.

I feel that the virus I had two years ago is the cause of the neuropathy although it can’t be proven. My voice still gets raspy, too.

That is my report in the wee hours of the morning. I imagine that I shall go back to sleep around daybreak.

Vicki Woodyard

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