Willie Nelson plays to a sold out crowd at the Indian Ranch in Webster Saturday afternoon.
The headlessness that Douglas Harding proposed is not a new idea. He just couched it in a unique way. When I met Don Theo, it was obvious that he was firmly rooted in headlessness. I knew that because he had reduced everything down to energy and that is totally contagious.
He has worked on me for a few years now but only comes to my city twice a year. And this year he only came once. He was busy leading groups in Peru. But by now I know I can call him any time and I don’t necessarily have to use the telephone. It’s not quite that simple, but I have seen him while I was in the dream state.
Once I told him that he was with me all the time and he said, “Sometimes I feel a presence around me and then I think, ‘Oh, that’s just Vicki,’ and I laugh.”
I know he is telling me the truth because my mystic friend Shelley told me that sometimes I hung out with people on the astral plance. I have no awareness of doing this, though.
Ultimately it all comes down to resonance. The stronger the resonance, the greater the joy the soul experiences.
For this earth plane is a difficult one to make sense of. Best to quit trying and just be as accepting as you can be of how things work here.
Well, I got up way too early this morning. If you can’t make sense of this, just wash it down with a cup of tea and get on with your day. That is what I am gonna do.
Vicki Woodyard