Clear Water

Life is slow for me these days. I know that God does not make Himself known readily. I used to think I could find Him in books, but that is not so.
I have tried silence and I know how to settle down and wait on Him, but He doesn’t manifest.

People think the world itself will one day make them happy but it never does. What we get are people good at portraying it and at home they take off their masks.
It is not good to believe in the devil. Nevertheless, something has to be causing the fires and wars and tsunamis. Vernon Howard showed us that the devil is the unconscious mind and it is on the ascendancy.

He also said that if we put one clear cup of water a day into a poisoned lake, it will help. And so I keep on writing in spite of the fact that my blog is shrinking. Fewer people have time to ponder. They are too busy ordering from amazon. They are not waiting on God. They are waiting for their latest order.

The best advice I can give is to clearly see how unhappy you are and how you suck the teats of amazon to make you feel better. Oh, I know. That is strong writing. Well, I studied with a man that kept his students ground down daily. Were he alive today, he would not be online. Instead he would be waiting for the one man or woman that wanted a clear drink of water. And he was there to give it.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Thank you for the sip of clear water. I feel like the woman at the well who met Jesus and was offered living water.
    Namaste, dear Vicki.


    1. It dawns on me that people not in the Work cannot admit they are drinking poisoned water. For this, humility must be required. Once you know it is poisoned, you don’t want it anymore. And yet you continue to drink it. Why? Only because you fall asleep and that is always forgiven if it is admitted. And you get another sip of water. That is how it goes for all of us.

      I went to the grocery and forgot myself in order to shop. It was only when I came back through my own kitchen door that I knew I had been asleep.


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