The world is won
by those who let it go.
~Lao Tse
I look at that sentence by Lao Tse and the first thing that I feel is wonder. That seems to be an appropriate thing to feel. I do not feel wonder when I look at worldly things, not at all. I do feel cravings, yearnings and attachments to them though. Something is wrong with my present way of feeling.
Silence wraps around my fingers as I type. Each one hitting different letters on the keyboard. Now they are responding to something unknown and I am letting them play the music of those that have let go. They are informing me of miracles.
My little girl is now showing me how happy I could be if I just let go.
My husband is embracing me with love unseen yet felt.
My son is showing me to notice the small and smile at one and all.
Everyone I ever loved is letting me know how good it feels to own nothing.
Every wise man is pointing to the heart.
Every angel is singing joy.
There is but one thing left for me to do and that is to become a receiver of what happens when I let everything go.
My hands are becoming instruments of pure grace.
My heart is opening wide so that a different channel can activate.
Blessed be.
Vicki Woodyard
*The inspiration for today’s note comes from a quote found on Elsa Joy Bailey’s Facebook Page.
I love this.