When It Occurred To Me That I Am Not A Citizen Of This World
When I found myself buying a plasma TV at an Estate Sale, only to realize that they no longer make plasma TVs! Now I have one.
When I found myself buying countless pairs of shoes online in order to find comfortable ones and found myself sending them all back.
When I have to give up coffee and chocolate in order to quit peeing non-stop.
When I lie awake for hours at night unable to sleep and don’t even feel tired.
When I have zero interest in enlightenment as told by Fill-in-the-Blanks on any spiritual site.
When I look forward to nothingness and increasingly visit it.
When I understand what old Lao-Tse was talking about because I am becoming it. (And it is very becoming.)
Note to Myself: You have never been a citizen of this world. You just thought you had to try hard to be one.
Note to Readers: If you want me to keep writing, for heaven’s sake, donate something to my PayPal Account. Otherwise, I may quit entirely.
Vicki Woodyard