First something happens….

“First something happens deep inside….” That phrase came to me as I sat in silence today. I racked my brain trying to think of who said that. I couldn’t remember. Too many books read. Now comes the silence.

We are all kin under the skin. I got a taste of that yesterday when the painter and I were able to talk honestly to each other. Watching him paint the mailbox post, his father standing by him, I joked that I couldn’t speak Spanish. His father had indicated to me “No English.” That is when I said that we were family and it felt really good.

I saw my neighbor from across the street at the grocery. I was looking for the Boca Burgers and he was looking for the Gardein ones. “We’re vegetarian,” he said, “and we really like this brand.” He recommended the crumbled kind for making tacos and I put a package in my cart.

Rob is making turkey chili now and I can’t wait to eat it. I have decided to lose some weight by cutting back on the things that are bad for me to eat. I don’t need to lose but a few pounds, but any kind of diet is hard to stick to. I do best when I just eat less.

Back to what happens deep inside (besides digestion!) It is a feeling of such inner silence that you realize what Jesus meant when He said His Kingdom was not here but inside.

As I am online less and less, there is nothing to do but be. And oh, what a relief it is!

As I go deeper, I become softer and more yielding.

As I go deeper, I become more accepting of myself.

It all happens according to the Tao. We find ourselves here on a planet that is not our permanent home. We do the best we can and one day find that is not enough. No, we have to let go of doing our best in order to be who we are. And we receive that as a gift from guess where? Deep inside. Full circle.

I can let down my hair, take off my shoes and witness the silence of whatever is happening. The mental noise fades away as I enter the chambers of the heart.

Vicki Woodyard

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