
I am going on hiatus for a while. There is an inward call to do this and I will return when I have listened to it fully. It feels like it is time for me to heed the source of my being, which is not my separate self but my Self in All Beings.

My ego works against me. Then why am I unable to stop working with it? Because I am mechanical by nature, as is everyone.

The gift of awakening has a price tag on it. As Rumi said, “The price of kissing is your life.” And today the ego is alive and well online. It thrives on attention and is addicted to praise and fears it will be destroyed.

Yet the ego, being a construct, is unreal. And what is unreal cannot be destroyed. And what is real cannot be destroyed, either. We live in this paradox mechanically.

May you all be well. May you all work on discerning what is Real with a capital “R.”

Vicki Woodyard

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