The Miracle Moment

Easter points within, as all the truth does. The part of you that transcends death is now in the ascendancy. You may no longer look to your ego as your personal problem solver. That makes surrender inevitable, whether you know it or not.

Once we surrender, we realize that everything has been pointing to this very moment, the moment of the miraculous.


  1. Surrender has been a topic of conversation lately with friends and family and is the ONLY way to live life. I recently had a cancer scare and consciously surrendered the outcome to the Divine and completely let go of it. Fortunately, I did not have cancer, but the experience, once I surrendered, was one of the most amazing times of my life. I was surrounded by a circle of loving, professional and wise women who supported me through the entire three month experience. It also gave me the wonderful opportunity to connect with women who do have cancer. Their bravery and incredible courage touched me deeply. Thank you for this reminder, Vicki.


  2. You are amazing, Tib. I wondered where you had been. Yes, each dark day contains the seed of surrender if we could only remember…but mankind sleeps on. As far as your 3 month journey, we can all say Hallelujah that you are okay.


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