The Great Watering Down

I am online less and less, as social media is so watered down.

I studied with Vernon Howard for 7 years and continued after his death. I no longer need the intellectual preparations for entering higher consciousness, or returning to the Self that I am.

Here is a new version of Easter that I feel is accurate.

Jesus was not crucified; you were.
Jesus was not placed in the tomb; you were.
Jesus did not descend into hell; you did.
Jesus did not rise the third day; you did.

It takes a great deal of awareness to see what the paragraph above could possibly mean to you.

There are no titles given, no prizes awarded, no ego-strokes administered that are eternal in nature.

The Christ Consciousness is universal and there are many versions of it, but there is only One Self and you, my friend, are It.

All is well. Hallelujah.

Vicki Woodyard

One Comment

  1. …….and so we can also resurrect finally – I very strongly assume – into a Life of harmonious growth, betterment and overall well-being, safely embedded in sound development for All – it must be meant that way, if we consider Jesus spoke to us 🙂 Many, loving GREETINGS TO YOU MY DEAREST VICKI FRIEND of wisest, joyous and grace-filled HEART, MIND & Soul – your sister in Love – Silja


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