The Paradoxical Present

Everything is separate and everything is connected. Paradoxical as life is, why should that surprise us?

For example, karma explains everything and also, there is no free will.

You can’t see things grow or die, but they are growing and dying.

You think one way but feel another.

You judge people for your own faults.

You seldom forgive yourself or anyone else.

It take consciousness to get free of words and self-will.

That is why we walk the spiritual path. We don’t fly over it.

No one knows what happens after death for we are all still alive. Everything is mere conjecture.

Why am I writing this at 8:39 EDT when time is an illusion and so are you and I?

Because I find life interesting and unbearable in one fell swoop and for some odd reason, I am a writer and not a rocket scientist.

I believe that waking up just means that you begin to hold yourself accountable for the mess you are making of your life. And then you realize that sinning really is just missing the mark and that the only forgiveness you need is self-forgiveness.

We are all Jacob wrestling with an angel of one kind or another. And that’s where life gets really interesting….

Vicki Woodyard

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