Go Within or Go Without

Writing the blog is a labor of love but now and again I ask for donations. However, I don’t want anyone to feel any pressure about this. If I don’t ask I don’t get any.

Never feel obligated to contribute because I don’t feel obligated to write. Lately there is not much going on with me.

Easter weekend is just another weekend for Rob and I. We ate out on Wednesday because eating out on holidays is verboten. Too crowded altogether.

I am reading a very good book called “Britt-Marie Was Here,” written by Fredrik Backman. I highly recommend it. It is full of humor and pathos both. I feel that I understand the character in her shyness and desire to “do it right.” And I admire her when she begins to leave her comfort zone and finds love.

I am here, too, and have never been adventurous. I am happiest at home although loneliness can strike at times. However, I am willing to pay the price.

I live for learning about human nature and what a difficult thing it is to get us human beings to try anything new. We much prefer to sleep our lives away.

When I started seeking truth many years ago I did not realize that it was a return trip. Most of you know what I mean. The search begins from inside out and ends up from outside in. Go figure.

As advanced as anyone is, no one ever gets completely purified while in a human incarnation. If anything, we become more deeply aware of our stains.

So have a Happy Little Easter. Murder some chocolate bunnies but don’t expect them to rise the third day. However, they will miraculously show up around your waistline.

Vicki Woodyard

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