Everything is playing out as it is supposed to….

Everything is playing out as it is supposed to. No one gets to choose how the events of their life will unfold.

This is a harsh truth and one the Ancients have warned us about. Human beings are merely actors on the world stage.

What will it take for us to calmly see what we have feared seeing?

I don’t have the answer to that.

I buried child and husband. I now live with one family member and we struggle to behave normally without pushing the panic button when it is not necessary.

Who will tell us the truth?

Who will embody it?

When will we simply see that we don’t know, that we never have, that we never will.

Life is not about knowing. It is about being.

Newsflash: No one can be taught how to be what they already are, mere mortals.

The pundits must self-implode.

I have come to no conclusions because I don’t know.

I write how it is when the chips are down and the power has gone out and the time is now.


Don’t fill in any more blanks.

Comments welcomed....