Pushing the rock up the hill….

Every day we push the rock up the hill. Sometimes it’s just a small pebble; at other times it is a boulder. Somehow life goes on even when we get angry and afraid.

Life does not take us into account; it is impersonal in that sense. You may get mad at it. You may kick the rock but it is indifferent.

As a caregiver I pushed the rock up the hill for other people. Like the rock, they took no notice of me. That is exactly how it should be.

At some point caregivers break down and burn out. I certainly did. I sat by and let others push the rock for me. Turns out I could have done that much sooner.

Our lessons are learned over a lifetime. And as soon as we have one conquered, it appears again in another form. That is the test to see if you have learned the lesson.

If you are lucky, you will become wise about pushing the rock up the hill. You will begin to do it consciously. You will watch yourself getting angry and afraid instead of being lost in your emotions.

This is evolution of the soul.

This is evaluation of yourself.

This is evidence that you are supposed to take care of yourself while you take care of others.

I screamed and bawled and whined. No one cared. It was my work.

It was my self-education.

I never stopped studying truth even though I could not apply it.

I became a writer. I found solace and sustenance in that.

Now I just keep on keeping on. Pushing rocks up an eternal hill. That is the way of man.

Jesus says, “My burden is easy and my yoke is light.”

That, too. That, too.

Vicki Woodyard

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