Get into Me!

Last night for some unknown reason, I watched an entire Brody Stevens comedy special. Completely unaware until just now that he took his own life.

He yelled at his audiences to “Be positive!”

“He was widely admired by other comedians for his willingness to venture into unsafe territory.

“Brody never seems like he’s doing material at all,” Sarah Silverman once said. “He’s just yelling.”

I found him hilarious, cutting-edge funny. As a comedy writer, I appreciate his style and mourn such a deeply talented guy. He went off his meds, as some fellow comedian said. Obviously, life for him became too much of a struggle.

Sometimes life is too much for me, too, but only when I forget that I must “get into myself” rather than put myself down for not being strong enough. No one feels strong enough. Ever.

Brody yelled at his audience to “get into me.”

That is my cue to speak to my loyal readers. Donate to this wonderful site now and then. Get into me! I too have been to the dark side; I just kept going when Brody found it to be too much.

We all need support and laughter. I will be forever grateful for that half hour of laughter that the late Brody Stevens gave me yesterday. I didn’t know he had crossed over to the other side, thinking this side was too much for him.

Everybody has a bit of change they can spare now and then. Maybe I won’t meet you, but get into me! My point of view is uniquely mine. I do not blah blah blah about enlightenment. I write fresh copy daily. Get into it!


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