The Simple Life

There comes a time when life becomes simpler. For example, I try not to schedule anything until early afternoon. I own mornings! Giggle. Yes, it’s true. Mornings are me-time and I find that is what works best for me.

When I do get out, I am home by early afternoon so I can avoid traffic. Simple as that.

I am very careful about what I put on my calendar and guard it zealously.

Vernon Howard used to say that you can “know before you go.” And what he meant by that was that most social occasions you are more than glad to skip. You had far rather stay home and enjoy your own company. You don’t have to make small talk with yourself. You can get right down to arguing with the people in your own head. (Another giggle.)

As you can see, I was never a social butterfly. I was firmly rooted in the Self even as a child. I did not like recess because I didn’t understand what social life was all about. Still don’t. I can play a role as well as the next person, but I know it is only a role. As I am, I am quite content to be myself.

I have always loved to read, but now I read less and less. I find myself sitting in silence instead. I ponder the imponderables rather than read a mystery.

Do I still worry? You betcha. Does fear still arise? Absolutely. But as I allow myself to withdraw from the company of others, I find that I withdraw more and more from the ego-driven mind. “Me, I just sits,” as someone once said.

The frantic desire to plan a trip is off the agenda. As Ramana Maharshi said, “You cannot see these places unless you are destined. They are within the mind.” I totally agree.

Destiny is everything. That and a cup of coffee and me settling down for another uneventful day.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I was just fine until kindergarten where I learned about a social-political life really. THAT was more than enough. The rest of the years were dotted here and there with social agony. I have always enjoyed the company of animals though 🙂 They seem to not have talked themselves away from Stillness.


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