The Toilet of the Internet

Lady Gaga called social media “the toilet of the internet.” I agree. If you don’t agree, you are deluded. It is fake news at best. It is ruled by desire and fueled by fear.

I posted the paragraph above on Facebook. And yes, I still go there occasionally, and I feel guilty about it. They still have their hooks in most of us. But at least we can nod our heads in agreement that it is basically a high-school type place to visit.

You must take everything there with a grain of salt. People use their most flattering images to post. They pump up their images with flowery images and phony phrases. Why? Because “everyone struts and frets their hour on the stage,” as old Willie Shakespeare said. To know the ego is to know the truth of that.

So yes, okay, I protest too much about Facebook being bad. Why don’t I leave, never to return?

I don’t have to, if I am hip to what is going on, as are you.

I can sneak in a truthful one-liner now and then. Or post a link to my blog!

Those of you reading this have something going for you that is far deeper than social media.

It is knowing the true from the false. Some call this discernment. So just be careful not to become addicted to any social media. Addiction is never good.


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