The Most Amazing Thing!

An amazing thing happens when I close my eyes and sit in silence every morning. The trees tiptoe out to leave me alone. The sky flies away carrying all the birds with it. The earth becomes nothing and I am left in perfect peace. This is the law of heaven.

It would be nice if it stayed that way, but something called me in here to try and write down what I perceived as today’s note. “Talk about laws and how they are transcended by rising above them.” There is no law that moves the trees to tiptoe, of course. They are just good at it! In my world they are wonderful ballet dancers without tutus. Instead they tiptoe in their bare nakedness or in their lacy green leaves.

But back to the law. As the day wears on, I will find myself following the laws of the body. I will say “fill ‘er up” 3 times a day and have snacks in between. I will move through the rooms of my house tidying up. And after I leave, the chairs and tables and pillows will re-arrange themselves to their own liking. I am not much of a decorator anyway.

You see, everything is fluid in the present of absolute law. I find that delicious. God is quite the improviser as well as the Great Law Giver. He is always saying, “Yes, and….” He might say this, “Too bad Vicki has caught onto how the laws work. She has tripped the switch of mercy and is playing heck with everything. I see how the trees tiptoe. She can’t fool me. She is enjoying little breaks in reality and the trees are in on the joke. Yep. There is a cosmic joke and vast relief to be found in it. I count on Vicki to see through the law. We need people like her.”

I thought the law of grief had done me in. I thought I had no more to say to anyone on the subject of laughter and the law. Laughter is merciful and we need more of it. It changes water into wine. It wipes the tears of the bereaved and shell-shocked inhabitants of this prison.

Sometimes laughter can cut through all the laws of being mortal. I love when that happens. But I love it most when I sit in the morning and the sky flies away. Who knew it needed these brief respites from all those drones now polluting its perfect peace? Who knew it went to the bathroom and had a cup of joe?

And the earth? Don’t get me started. It is considering a lap band to get its waistline back. We are feeding it too much junk, don’t ya know?

Well, there are laws and there are promises given to each and everyone of us. God loves us when we honor the laws and He fulfills his promises to us, His children. And by the way, when you ignore one of His laws, He does not punish you. You just think He does. And that is why I sit in silence each morning. To stop thinking! That is what puts the trees on tiptoe. Are you getting it yet?


  1. Love it, love it, love it!! Absolutely true. I see and feel the trees, birds and the Earth herself, but as always, the physical needs bring us back. And I agree about laughter. It is the most healing balm in our world.


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