No Other Reason

I was given a dream last night, a dark one. I woke up in shock, for the dream was one of me being persecuted. I will not give the details of it, for it was deeply personal. I also sense that it was true and so it was a sign that I was ready to assimilate its message.

We are all being persecuted for righteousness sake, all being tried in the fire. This is not mental paranoia, not at all. Jesus knew exactly what his fate would be and he allowed it to happen anyway. He knew that the world hated him. And he knew where his true power lay.

And so he took up his cross and we know what happened after that. The light no longer in the world was now in all of us, but we have to choose it.

The Way of the Cross is for the few. “Straight is the way and narrow is the gate and few there be that enter in.”

Once I shook the dream off, I got up and ate breakfast and had some tea. Whatever happens is destined to happen and for the soul’s growth. There is no other reason.

Vicki Woodyard

One Comment

  1. Just wanted to recommend to others your book “Edge of Enlightenment”. I take a sip of it every morning and can’t put into words how sweet is the wisdom of every line. Thank you Vicki, for sharing so eloquently your Being. MC


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