My Rebel Dreams

My dreams are here to show me how bad off I am. On a level so deep that I cannot change anything in myself superficially. This applies to you, too.

Religion is about superficial change because it comes from human beings. God did not create religion. He did not say “I create you Presbyterian,” for example.

I sensed this as a small child, even. Now I know it consciously.

So superficial change does not alter the psyche one iota. I think we can all agree on that.

At night I am shown my fear and terror, the by-products of living in this world. No one escapes.

No one is sleeping well at night. If they are, they are not sensitive to the state of the world and the human psyche.

I am having dreams of mud and mire and people being trapped in it. In the past this has signified some sort of global fear and terror. We are all waiting for the shoe to drop.

But it is futile to get involved with the religion and politics and wars of this world. Peace does not come that way. Never has, never will.

Spouting slogans at the problem is ridiculous.

So what do we do?

I am filled with fear and terror on a very deep level. What do I do about it personally? All I can do. I witness it without trying to change it. I gave up on that long ago. This is the Work. To become a witness to your own human life. Only in this way will your personal terror be transformed. And not at a time of your choosing. We have no power to choose. Only to witness.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. This is sure a timely post. Being an shy introvert myself, trying to change is something I see in myself everyday, wanting to be more outgoing, more sociable, more willing to include others in my world. A fruitless endeavor for sure. Far as politics goes, well you said it all. Nothing happening there. Nobody has the power to choose, only to witness. Yes I like that, in some strange way it brings comfort in the midst of suffering.


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