Write as If You’ll Never Be Read

“Write as if you’ll never be read. That way you’ll be sure to tell the truth.”
~Lori Lansens

I have tried to tell the truth in my writing and sure as heck, it is not getting read! I am too good to be mainstream, and that’s a sad fact. I am under the radar and that allows me to be honest.

Under the radar I can come clean. Can share my insights and brevity.

Life hurts. It sucks and no sense can be made of it. If you still believe it can be otherwise, you are deluded and deserve the teachers you get.

I had a teacher that refused to pull punches. He gave talks that seared the soul, that shamed the ego and dropped the listeners straight into hell. Only in that way did we stand a chance.

He used to say, “If you can take it, you will make it.” And I could take it because I knew hell in a close-up and personal way. I had stood in the halls of St. Jude witnessing children that looked like they were in Auschwitz. I buried one of their children, my own. No one came to save me. We consulted a psychiatrist recommended by a minister. He got sent to jail for pedophilia.

I had no hope left in society. That is why I could listen to Vernon Howard. Later I would listen to Leonard Cohen and understand every word he said. He knew hell himself.

Love is the answer when you find your own private hell to be hot to handle. When society and its laws fail you. When government is so corrupt you lose interest in politics.

When Jesus in his harshness called you to “come out from among them.” When you realized that the whited sepulchres of social life could do you no good.

So you became a writer. I have written a little masterpiece of a book called “Bigger Than The Sky.” The man it is about was broken to bits not only by an accident but by physicians that could not help him and a society that could not understand him.

This book is buried under a pile of bigger books written by bigger names. I understand that. It is too good for this world.

So put this note in the trash. Many of my writings already reside there.

My new ebook produced six donations. I have only 76 blog followers. I am not read except by the few. I know that silence and solitude demand everything of you. It is easy to leave society when you were never part of it.

I surrendered a long time ago. Hallelujah!

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Hiya Vicki.
    Just came across your blog. Found it from listening to Vernon’s lectures on YouTube.
    The thoughts that I’ve read from you are exceptional thus far.
    I wish you all the best & I shall surely return to read more more of your insights.

    All the best



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