Bad News For The Ego

I have been having dreams of intense frustration because of not being able to do things I want or need to do. Last night, I was cleaning house, but it was my parents’ house. We had neglected it and as hard as we cleaned, we seemed not to make much progress. Dust was everywhere. At some point I went downtown. I stopped in a building where someone was giving a program. I was invited to go in, but I chose not to. I asked if they had a program schedule and they pointed to one down on the floor. I couldn’t make out anything written on it.

Then I remembered I needed to call home. No one would let me use the phone in that building. In the next building I was told I could use the phone if I paid $3. I had trouble putting 3 dollars bills together,as they were in a pile of paper in my wallet. Then I asked how to use the phone to call out and was told to figure it out myself. Whew.

I woke up wondering why I am having this type of dream. Here is my theory: I am being called on to allow truth to move into my body. Before this happens, I must finish up the chores left in my old life. At this point I cannot call home or have someone from home pick me up. I am stuck!

I am at a fork in the road on my path and these dreams are not allowing me to feel good about staying where I am.

I must undergo the experience of making a choice. It is time to move truth fully into my body instead of keeping it outside.

The old ways are not working.

The new way requires me to become more conscious that the work is done in the body.

Vicki Woodyard

My new ebook is available for a donation to my website. The title is “Bare Being:The One Self.”

I would love it if you would choose to get a copy!


Thank you!

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