Peace Prevails

As I began work on my next ebook, it occurred to me that we are all playing hurt and in so many ways and on so many levels. That is why we spend time online fuming about politics and world affairs. Politics is just a diversion from the work of realizing the Self. It is so much easier to project blame onto government officials that it is on our own ego-driven suffering.

You can’t argue with that, but you can argue with the TV pundits.

And then there are the spiritual pundits. None of them know more than you. None of them.

Your pain belongs to you and not to some spiritual guru that pretends they have risen above their egos.

This is a pain-driven world populated with people that have suffered for ages. Only individuals can come to know themselves.

And self-knowledge is not government-issued.

As Jesus said, “Come out from among them.”

I never discuss politics except on the level of humor.

I don’t discuss religion either.

No one knows.

Humility does not drive discussions; ego does.

End discussions, end thinking you know things God would have us learn only from Him.

And He isn’t talking.

If He were, no one would listen.

Silence remains the most powerful substance on earth. Out of it everything arises and disappears again.

Peace prevails only then.

Vicki Woodyard

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