A Life of Conscious Suffering

This is my last blog post for November, 2018. What shall I write about? Oh, I know. I will continue the topic of alienation.

We live as aliens in this world of sleeping men and women. That is a fact, but only for the few.

The problem is that we cannot stay awake. Forget the non-dual teachers that say that once you see, you are free. T’aint so. We are still tainted by forgetfulness. We are not judged for it, though. We are forgiven countless times. By whom? you might ask. By your conscious self.

That is the real Work. Trying to stay awake but going to sleep over and over and over again.

If you read the Bible, you will see this theme running like a thread throughout. The words in red especially and always.

Vernon Howard said, “Look out the window. See those people? They are dead!”

Of course that is shocking. But Jesus said “Let the dead bury the dead.” This is esoteric Christianity. Gurdjieff taught this. So did Vernon Howard. So does anyone teaching the Work.
(Not the Work of Byron Katie).

Humility is necessary. Being a positive thinker is not. Nor is being a light worker, whatever nonsense that is.

If you are on the true path, you will live a life of conscious suffering. At some point you will actually become grateful for it.

You might even say hallelujah.

Vicki Woodyard


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