Inner Silence

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend. We hit it off together from day one and she cooked for me while I was in the hospital this fall. I don’t have many friends and I value the few I have.

After we got back to my house, we visited for a little and then we decided to sit in silence for a few minutes. After we begin to talk again, I realized that there had been no entering or exiting the silence. It was already there. It was holding me!

One reason this happened is because we are on a wavelength when we get together. There is always laughter and relaxation. As Vernon Howard says, “The law of levels is absolute.” When you vibrate on the same string with someone, there is an ease that you don’t have with other people.

We need to see that spiritual law places us exactly where we belong. It is so subtle that we spend our time rebelling against what others are doing to us. But we are doing it to ourselves.

The minute you begin to fret and complain, you lose the benefit of the higher level you just fell from! Silence is always there upholding us in peace, but it will not tolerate our noise.

If you question why introverts like to be alone most of the time, you are probably an extrovert. Throw in being a sensitive and it only adds to your preference for silence. So when you find a friend that vibrates on the same level that you do, you experience deep gratitude.

I am beginning this Monday in silence and pray it continues. The weather is gonna be scorchingly hot with storms thrown in for drama. The coolness of inner silence will be sweet.

Vicki Woodyard

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