There is something that Vernon Howard said that stays with me. “The hard way becomes the easy way and the easy way becomes the hard way.”
I am sure you understand how that works, especially if you look around at what is going on in society.
Take a beautiful woman or a handsome man that gets seduced by fame and the fortune that follows.
The very adulation is capable of destroying them because they are getting paid in false coin.
False coin, how is that?
It is false because it didn’t come from the inside, which is the hard way to find love.
It came to them the easy way, the way of being adored by the masses. And the masses also turn on the very people that they lift up.
What are we to do with this fact?
We are to pay attention! The very act of paying attention is an act of self-love. I need to underline that or at least repeat it.
Looking down at your phone is not paying attention; it is a mechanical addictive process.
Looking up at God is a conscious process that breaks addiction if you will let it.
There are 2 ways to live your life and one of them is always wrong.
Get it that clear and you will understand what Vernon Howard said and you will choose the hard way.
Yes, it is hard. We have to pay attention from a place in us that is willing to die for the truth.
You have it.
Use it.
Vicki Woodyard