How much longer can I keep up the subterfuge that I am any different than you are when we are the same?
It has never worked, this being different just because we share different bodies.
We are the One Life expressing as the Many.
Knowing this on a soul level, I write as if I didn’t know.
But I do. I know on a visceral level.
There is only one Heart Beating and the blood flowing through our veins is the same sacramental wine.
There is only one savior and it is the Self, the same Self in all.
This is no platitude but a presence we are all experiencing.
Can I make it any clearer so that I won’t forget? Because forgetting is the name of the game.
I have had Anthony Bourdain on my mind since he took his own life. He took ours with him and now we are all on the journey to the unknown.
He took us first to different parts of the world and now he is taking us into the land of one grief.
We all feel a communal loss and yet we will not change our daily habits of acting as if we don’t know the truth. And there is a reason we keep the act going. Wanna know why? Because a certain man was crucified for spilling the beans.
I will close now. It is bedtime. So much for the daily play. It renews automatically. Unless you pull the cord and say, “This is my stop.” And then look out! Tony knew that, I feel. I am not talking about suicide. I am talking about saying inwardly, “I know. I know. I truly know.”
What do I know?
Definition of subterfuge. 1 : deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, or evade. 2 : a deceptive device or stratagem. ~ The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Vicki Woodyard