
it has become obvious to me that there is only the Self.

In my heart I knew it but my head was a hold-out. I am not sure why.

So I buried the beloved child and forced myself to stay the course, to stay on the path of awakening.

So I buried my husband and forced myself to stay the course for my son.

But now I see that I am the Self.

No matter how thin I slice it, I remain the Self.

So do you.

There is no separation except in perception.

There is only one Way and I am it.

No more mileage to cover. I am home.

No more wondering what comes next.

What is next is what comes next.

Am I free of the ego?

Decidedly not.

Only liars claim to be free of delusion.

The head will lie to the heart from now until kingdom come. Let it rage. Let it be.

The heart knows what home looks and feels like.

The head is buried in the sand of ideologies, theologies, rumination, delusion, etc. and so forth.

The heart awakened lives its own life independent of the head.

Vicki Woodyard

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