Exit Stage Left….

There is a reason people love Leonard Cohen. I use the word “love” in the present tense since love never dies. Not only was he the epitome of grace, he continually reminded us that this world is not a realm of peace and joy. Even so, we must say hallelujah over it.

Lately I have been dreaming of being with my little girl as she dies. As you might imagine, these are not good dreams. Last night I dreamt of an author that wrote a book about a little girl that dies just like my daughter did. I talked with her after she spoke somewhere. I have no idea why these dreams are coming to me with regularity.

Although she died in 1978, my life after that first loss has not been easy emotionally. At my present stage in life, I have no vital connections socially. This gives me all the time in the world to do whatever I like. Ironically, there is no free will. Once you grasp that, you let go of all of the free choices you supposedly can make.

Destiny forges any and all connections and destiny breaks them when the time is right. For me, simplicity is what I prefer over all else. Today I went to the grocery. Now the rest of the day is free.

Having said that, I will now go back to the first paragraph. This world is not a realm of peace and joy. I have a deck to get repaired, a dental visit, worries about certain things, etc.

I rest in truth. My mind prefers agitation and I try to ignore it. I have tried sitting on it or wrestling it down, but it is here to stay. I can trick it into submission sometimes, but the pesky little nuisance loves a good knock-down drag-out fight with itself. It is, as they say, “bifurcated.” That is such a deliciously silly word. Bifurcated. Bicarbonate of soda indicated for a gassy little mind.

Who needs to be totally serious about anything when the cosmic joke is unavoidable? God has a pretty good rim shot, I must say. He is the stage manager of the cosmos and his hook is not only used to shepherd us but to get us off stage! I will exit stage left for now….

Vicki Woodyard

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