One Thing I Know For Sure….

One thing I know for sure, having worked on myself for many years. Everyone is much worse off than the way they present themselves. I know that because it is true of me. Your Facebook page does not describe who you really are. It describes who you wish you were. But when no one is looking and you can be honest, you have no idea what will happen next. Not only that, you fear the worst.

Would you like to know why you fear the worst? Because of your past history, that’s why! We are programmed to think we need society and that we must put our best foot forward. That is how it all starts. Everyone kidding everyone else. Ever read the newspaper or listen to the news? Then you are familiar with the reporter saying, “Her neighbors thought she was completely normal….and then, cue the next part of the story. Hmmmm. Who can you trust?

Me, I can’t even trust myself. My moods dictate how I feel. I am not in charge of anything. I just wish I were. Anyone online teaching non-duality avoids the inescapable fact that no one gets it. If they really got it, they would not be teaching online. I don’t get it; that’s why I can write exactly how I want to write.

I have an ebook for sale on my website. Why? Because it was taking too long to get it published in paperback. So I impulsively said anyone that donated could have a copy. So far that is working better than I thought it would.

My words carry the weight of sorrow and survival. I know whereof I speak. We all suffer more than we dare let on. I have spent decades describing my inner life. I can say with some degree of honesty that I know what I am talking about. Some are ready to hear the truth rather than the continual lies put forth by people that speak of awakening as if it were something anyone can do. Rot. All we can do is the best we can do. I am here to testify.

Get a copy of the ebook. Here is the link.
Vicki Woodyard

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