Job Opening, Everywhere and Nowhere….

Job Opening

Job Description
Soul wanted to care for someone 24/7.
No prior experience required.
Wages: None
Time off: None
Location: Everywhere and nowhere.

I read this description somewhere inside myself. I didn’t want the job or obviously there would not be an opening.

I felt a sense of unease, as if a pebble had been thrown against the window.

But there was no one around. The house was quiet.

It used the word “soul.” That doesn’t usually come up in a job description. Hmmm.

Whoever was looking knew little about what the job would entail. Sounded iffy at best.

I read the ad again, pausing now and then to ponder its words.

It was a full-time job that anyone could do but it paid nothing and the location baffled me. “Everywhere and nowhere” was awfully unhelpful.

If I admitted that I wanted the job just to see what it would be like, I would be crazy and yet….

I said that I wanted the job. Immediately something lightened up inside me.

Suddenly there was someone home.

Without knowing what the next step would be, I was now everywhere and nowhere, looking into the eyes of other surprised new hires.

I remembered something my mother had told me long ago. Be careful out there.

She didn’t tell me I had to be careful in here, too.

Vicki Woodyard

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