A Metaphoric Ride

Fasten your seat belts. It’s gonna be a metaphoric ride! Giggle. This is today’s topic, so listen carefully. Everything is a metaphor. Not only that, you have lost your secret decoder ring. Now you wander in the mud of Metaphor Land wondering what to do. I should put the word “do” in ironic parentheses, for there is nothing to do but be. And being is a lost art. Put that in your metaphor and smoke it. Second giggle.

Nothing in this world is what it seems to be. If you still think it is, your probably have bandaids all over your shins from running into so-called “things.” Third giggle. A thing ain’t nothin’ but a metaphor if you are paying attention. And you better. There will be a test on this. Buy a jumbo box of bandaids.

The aim of this essay is to teach you aimlessness. The way of Tao is a good route to take. You are aimless in spite of thinking you are doing things on purpose. No one can do anything in a straight line when there are only curves in nature and curve balls thrown at you constantly.

I carry a huge load of grief. My life is a metaphor in that respect. I don’t know the whys and hows of it. But the burden can only be laid at the feet of something greater than my mind. And yes, laying down your burden is a metaphor, too.

You can leave Metaphor Land at any time you remember what a vital necessity it is. You are not condemned to live there forever. You can walk free in the land of “I love myself no matter what.” Let everything become a metaphor for that.

Now if you find yourself inhaling stink week in a vacant lot of broken dreams, that is just a metaphor for not loving yourself. All you have to do is see that.

And one more thing. The royal wedding, such a thing of beauty, will become as tarnished as a ring in a Crackerjack box. That is because we live in a metaphoric world and are enmeshed in the opposites. Remember what happened to Diana due to her being chased like an animal.The new princess will lose her privacy as well. No one lives happily every after.

This is not a negative essay but a message from your Higher Self. Heed it well. Pay attention to life. As my friend Tallulah says, “It is a waking dream.” Loving yourself wakes you up.

Vicki Woodyard

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